Directed and written by Cyril Mennegun, the film -- about France's growing provincial under class -- features a knock-out lead performance by relative newcomer Corinne Masiero. A docu-style depiction of one woman’s slide into socio-economic purgatory, writer-director Cyril Mennegun’s Louise Wimmer features a knock-out lead performance by relative newcomer Corinne Masiero, yet never quite gels as a fictional exploration of France’s growing provincial under class. After world premiering in Venice’s Critics’ Week, the film opened locally in early January to strong reviews and decent box office. Additional fests and niche arthouse slots beckon. Read More
I try to post most of the movies I have seen. Probably forgot a whole bunch, anyways latest on top.
Louise Wimmer
Directed and written by Cyril Mennegun, the film -- about France's growing provincial under class -- features a knock-out lead performance by relative newcomer Corinne Masiero. A docu-style depiction of one woman’s slide into socio-economic purgatory, writer-director Cyril Mennegun’s Louise Wimmer features a knock-out lead performance by relative newcomer Corinne Masiero, yet never quite gels as a fictional exploration of France’s growing provincial under class. After world premiering in Venice’s Critics’ Week, the film opened locally in early January to strong reviews and decent box office. Additional fests and niche arthouse slots beckon. Read More
Directed and written by Cyril Mennegun, the film -- about France's growing provincial under class -- features a knock-out lead performance by relative newcomer Corinne Masiero. A docu-style depiction of one woman’s slide into socio-economic purgatory, writer-director Cyril Mennegun’s Louise Wimmer features a knock-out lead performance by relative newcomer Corinne Masiero, yet never quite gels as a fictional exploration of France’s growing provincial under class. After world premiering in Venice’s Critics’ Week, the film opened locally in early January to strong reviews and decent box office. Additional fests and niche arthouse slots beckon. Read More